Image Inside - Part 4

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 23:7a KJV

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: . . .

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. We also taught a lesson on man trying to project his “image” of himself or herself upon others. This means that the people of greater influence typically have a greater “image” of themselves than they ought. Today, we highlight another way that “image” affects man in a positive sense that is commonly used by God. It is said, “Image is the forerunner to destiny”. This basically means you will fulfill your destiny in life by what you “imagine” on a day-to-day basis. Yes, some would call this what you believe in your heart, while others would say what you say will determine your results (designation) in life, and yet still others could proclaim, “outwardly you are the sum total of your heart inwardly”. Thus, the Lord God Himself starts to motivate us by speaking to our heart. God knows that without an accurate picture of what you are (fearfully and wonderfully made) and who you are (a Blood washed marvelous child of God) you will never naturally reach your full potential upon the earth. Thus, the “image” of us God’s sees in Heaven should be the same “image” we see of ourselves down here on earth. Yes, we (ihlcc) do recall a certain time when we were over our prescribed weight naturally. Of course we must note this is a common occurrence after child bearing so a general lapse in restraint was not the issue. However, having children is no excuse for keeping weight on that could be shed (loss) with the proper application of discipline, focus and love. Discipline of the flesh through a single focus on God because you love Him so much, in this atmosphere grace abounds. The truth that seemed to help us was when the Lord specifically said to His Beloved Daughter, “I already see you lean and in shape!” This revelation helped her to spiritually see herself differently on the inside than what she was physically seeing on the outside. How can you see yourself spiritually, we (ihlcc) call it “imagination” some could call it the look of faith, while others could say it is the godly reflection of hope and yet others could boast that it is definitely a confession of faith spoken from the heart that believes what it sees inwardly. Whatever the terminology you use it must be noted that it is God. Yes, even later on we saw a picture of God’s Beloved Daughter running around a corner in the street. The funny thing was that the “image” of her was lean and shapely. She looked good in the “image” and it was only a matter of time before the “image” she saw spiritually (inwardly) was seen naturally (outwardly by others). Let us be clear on the subject (truth) given time and circumstances you will eventually conform to “God’s Image” of you because that is exactly how you will look when you are standing strong in The Lord’s Heaven. We wish we could tell you that the process upon the earth is easy and of short duration but that would be a lie and we all know lying is evil. The truth is the process is labor intensive and requires discipline of thought and corresponding scarifying physical action but the results are well worth the investment when you stay committed unto the end. Yes, God’s Beloved Daughter had to set her will to take one step at a time and be patient during the process because the process is a part of God’s Plan too. If memory serves us well, the very first thing to effect this positive change was the will of God’s Daughter purposed to lose the unnecessary weight. This declaration was known publically by ihlcc because it was stated out loud with conviction. The look of determination in her eye quickly made me a believer in her words. Yes, then certain inward revelation from the Lord soon followed like only eat portions and monitor what you are eating. We learned the quality of the food we eat influences weight just as much as the amount of food we eat. We learned to that portions of food are better than full amounts during a meal. Yes, indeed, a piece of chicken tastes exactly the same as a whole chicken. Yeah, 7 grapes taste the same as 21 grapes it is just an attitude adjustment on the inside. Another vital key we learned was that we must love God more than food and our appetite for holiness and communion with God can effectively replace our appetite for food if meditated upon daily as a lifestyle.- Refer to “Desiring the Bread of Life which is Jesus Christ”. All these various tools used at the right time helped us to take a round ball of clay and sculpt it into the beautiful “image” God created it to be. Therefore we must start on the inside first to gradually work ourselves into that same “image and likeness” outwardly. Yes, whether by reading God’s Word to become someone you need to be or seeing a vision of who you are intended to be it’s all the same principle, “As a person thinks in their heart so they are as a person”. What you “image” yourself to be is exactly who you will be revealed as to others in earth. Yes, each person should determine who they desire to be and paint that “image” into their mind and heart, then they must be willing to throw away the paint brush and paint can so nothing can be distorted or corrupted. The child of God must walk by faith and depend upon the awesome encouragement, direction and support of the Lord Jesus Christ because only He can confirm this positive (good, godly, righteous) “image” in deed (actions, naturally, physically) and in truth (heart, soul, mind). Therefore please be excited dear child of God because you have all the potential you need to transform yourself into someone wonderful and appreciated with God’s help, which you already have in Christ Jesus as a Born-Again Child of God. Yes, even those outside of Christ have used these principles to be successful in the world because God’s principles work no matter who you are (saved or unsaved). So be encouraged that God’s Word will work to renew your mind and with that renewed mind you should have a “renewed image” of yourself that is constantly being renew day-by-day. This inner foundation in God’s Word to create that solid righteous “image” will motivate you to do whatever is necessary to complete your calling in Christ just do it faithfully, joyfully and truthfully in Jesus Christ. Remember Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the ultimate people changers for good so we (ihlcc) are sure no case (person) is too hard for God to accurately and effectively handle. For is anything too hard for God? Just ask Genesis 18:14 and Jeremiah 32:17 for the resounding answer that nothing is too difficult for Him. Amen!